On May 28, the High Volume Combination: Duo Trailer, manufactured by Spanish company Guillén, part of the Wielton Group, took part in an attempt to set the Guinness World Record for pulling the longest European truck during a bodybuilding competition in Torrevieja - Alicante.
"We are proud that as a Guillén company we were able to be part of setting a new Guinness World Record. It's amazing how people overcome their weaknesses by spending hours in training so they can push the limits of their endurance. Just as in sports, the strength of the Wielton Group is the continuous development and setting of more ambitious goals, as well as the cooperation and mutual support of the companies in overcoming daily challenges while creating modern transportation solutions. Thank you for all the excitement and sincere congratulations to the new record holder who took up the challenge and participated in pulling the Guillén Duo Trailer. We all watched with bated breath as Juan Ferrer set a new record, and we hope that more than once we will have the opportunity to observe the struggles of strongmen with our various products".
- said Jose Luis Guillén, Managing Director of Guillén Desarrollos Industriales S.L.